*taps mic*
Anyone out there?
Ok, maybe not yet, but my greatest hope is that someday there'll be plenty of people out there with listening ears, or eyes rather. So for you:
Hi. I'm Grace. You must first know that I've always loved to create. This, I believe, was instilled by my parents who ran a crafting business for several years before and after I was born. I breathed creativity from a young age and I was also made aware that it's very, very possible to support oneself monetarily through it.
When I was in my middle school years my dad made it somewhat of a tradition to make a trip to our local library every Friday morning or afternoon, and I was homeschooled, so this was possible. Not for anything in particular, just to look and read and learn and enjoy. Oh, that's another thing about me...
I'm one of those weird people who actually likes to learn.
Maybe it's a homeschooler thing, who knows...
Anyway, after several library trips I ventured out of Little House on the Prairie and American Girl over to the nonfiction section.
There, I found knitting.
Well, technically I found crochet. Then I found knitting. But whatever. For the sake of dramatics we'll just say I found knitting. Moving on...
I've tried {and enjoyed} a lot of things. A. Lot. Of. Things. But knitting has stuck. I genuinely love it. Why my favorite hobby couldn't have been something "cool" like Netflix watching or Twitter surfing I don't know. But I really don't care. I love being creative and knitting/fiber arts is my way to do that.
After a few years of growing up and teaching myself the ins and outs of knitting {is it really teaching myself if I used youtube??} I tried designing some patterns and plopping them on Ravelry. Woah. Talk about eye-opening. Here's this gal (me) making a collective thousand dollars off of a PDF document that she doesn't have to do any physical labor to ship or deliver.
So yay! Patterns! That's fun!
It sent me into a crazy what-can-I-design tizzy and somewhere in there I had an idea.
Like a major idea.
An idea that shouldn't be bound into a measly two-page pattern.
No, this was a big idea.
An idea worthy of an entire book.
And that brings us to today. I'll reveal this groundbreaking book idea in a future post, but for now just know that it's epic and awesome and earth shattering.
This blog will be entirely devoted to every single little thing that could ever possibly be involved in writing and publishing a book. All from the perspective of someone with NO previous writing, designing, or publishing experience. But here's the thing:
I'm gonna do it all myself.
I'm going to learn how to do it all and do it right. I'll be my own graphic designer and layout artist and editor. I've read my fair share of knitting books and I know what the good ones look like. I know what the good ones include. I'm going to make a fantastic book and you guys get to watch the journey and maybe learn something yourself. (Go crazy and join in! I bet you have an idea that's been in your head for a while... Get it out into the world with me.)
Let's do this.